Hemantika festival: Workshops
A rare opportunity for Kathak students at various levels to experience a class with the maestro Pandit Birju Maharaj. Very limited spaces so book early to avoid disappointment. Please ensure you apply for the class most suited to your level:
Level 1 - Age 13 upwards, who have been learning for a minimum of 2 years, preferably completed at least ISTD Grade 1, or equivalent
Monday 12 November, 6pm-7.15pm
Cost £20 [Limited spaces]
Code: WK01
Level 2 - Age 15 upwards, who have been learning for a minimum of 5 years, preferably completed at least ISTD Grade 4, or equivalent
Thursday 15 November, 6pm-7.30pm
Cost £25 [Limited spaces]
Code: WK02
Venue for all sessions:
Shishukunj Bhavan, 25, 27 High St, Edgware HA8 7EE
(Nearest tube station - Edgware on the Norther line; Parking available behind venue)
Please make the correct payment for your session/s, using the code above as your reference, followed by your name:
Sujata Banerjee Dance Company
TSB Bank
Sort code: 77-91-63
Account Number: 85098260
Once paid, please email hemantikafest@gmail.com with the following details:
Full name:
Contact email address:
Contact phone no (optional):
Age (optional):
No of years learning Kathak:
Grade completed:
Name of Kathak school/ teacher (optional):

Photo credit: Simon Richardson

Photo credit: Simon Richardson
We rely on your support to bring this unique opportunity to UK dancers and audiences. Support the festival by donating to Hemantika 2017